Monday, July 12, 2010

Malgudi Schooldays by R.K. Narayan

Malgudi Schooldays is a book where a boy named Swami, indeed a funny little boy who has 2 friends Rajam and Mani are up to some fun and jokes every now and then. In the start Swami goes to a Christian school where his teacher insults the Hindu religion. So his father sends the head a letter regarding this. Then in the second chapter Mani and Rajam hate each other. Then he tells his grandmother stories about how Rajam did this did that and so on. But his grandmother was slightly deaf so it didn't matter. Then he got kicked out of school when there was a strike because he broke the window of his headmaster's room plus he took part in the strike. So his parents send him to board high school where problems brew up. Meanwhile Rajam starts the Malgudi Cricket Club - in short MCC. Whereas Swami's school had an extra massdrill session everyday. But first time he bowls he gets the name Tate (a great cricket player of those times). But because of the massdrill Swami cannot go for the practice. Then Rajam gets annoyed of this and talks to the headmaster about it but headmaster wont agree so Swami asks his family doctor but that brings him into more trouble - the family doctor instead of helping him he tells the headmaster that Swami has lost his stamina and gets even more mass drill. Then he gets frustrated and throws out his headmaster's stick and gets kicked out. Now I think I have told you a lot I think I should let you read the book. So now to my comments: a very funny book if you want some amazement reading this is required. But I think the author should not have insulted Hinduism. Still the story is said well and funnily - when you read it you can see and feel every word that is written. A truly great story and is a must for every human being.


  1. There is an interesting piece of information on Tate the famous bowler of that era, who was known more as Unlucky Tate. It is because when he bowled once, it hit the stumps, one of the bails flew up but came back and settled on the stumps again. As per the rules of cricket the batsman is given out only if the bails are dislodged, as one may observe during a run out attempt. Since the bail was not dislodged the umpire did not declare the batsman out and 'unlucky' has stuck to his name. It would be interesting to read the book to the name of Tate, without any doubt one of the best bowlers of England, being bestowed on Swami in the context of being 'unlucky'.

  2. Dhruv - A nice review of a great book. R K Narayan has written some really nice books for "adult" audiences also - especially nice are 'Waiting for Mahatma' and 'Guide'(yes - this was the book form whih the Dev Anand movie was adapted)

    For all those who love Swami and friends - here is another series that you will enjoy - "Gotya". It was a nice marathi serial in early nineties (or ealrier maybe)about this kid in ratnagiri called Gotya - a lot like swami and friends.
