Thursday, August 19, 2010

Horrid Henry by Francesca Simon

This is the first book about a very very horrid boy, Henry. He would do the most horrid things any one would imagine. He also had a brother, Perfect Peter who would do the most sweetest and politest things - a whole opposite of Henry. So one day Henry thinks “what if I became like Peter for a day”.
So, he stops reading comics, stops telling a lie and tries to become perfect (for 1 day) and that leads to Trouble (with capital T). His next totally horrid adventure leads him to a stupid dance class, where he does an elephant dance instead of a tap dance and treads on everyone’s feet. So comes the dance show that ends in a bang because he tread on someone and that person tread on someone and so on, the whole thing is an absolute disaster
More horrid stuff coming: this time it’s making yucky stuff with Moody Margret, who is Henry’s moody neighbour (who later becomes his arch enemy). They brew some yucky stuff called glop with snails, worms, porridge, soggy semolina, coleslaw, spinach, coffee, yoghurt, flour, vinegar, baked beans, mustard, peanut butter, mouldy cheese, pepper, rotten oranges and ketchup and they gave it to Peter - AND HE ATE IT!!!
The next thing Henry loves is camping - that is if the tents have tvs, refrigerators, etc. But no, his father took him to a deserted area with one public toilet and an ice cold river. The whole thing ended in the big camp but started like this: Henry’s father asked him if he would bring some logs to light a fire, but Henry is not hardworking. He takes away all the logs that support the other camps and the other camps come crashing down! Afterwards, Henry's camp came down with the rain and their camp got electrocuted - so like that they ended up in one big camp. 
Now down to my opinions, it’s a short book for fast readers. I finished it in 1 hour. It’s a book I like to collect but if you are looking for something funny this is the right place.

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